Friday, May 28, 2010

The updated world

Many things going on these days in my world! I am very excited to say that me and Rex have just ordered the FPU home study kit and are super excited to get it in. I hope to jump right in and get started as soon as it arrives. It seems a large portion of my life is spent waiting on packages LOL!

Little Miss Addi has been very sick this past week and today was her first official day back to the sitters. She has been fever free for an entire day and we are super happy about that. I hope that her fever is never that high again and that David does not end up with the same thing.

The kids at school are now pretty much done with classes and we will not see many of them until next school year, i hope they all stay safe this summer. I soon start working half days and begin my dreaded summer classes. Its funny i am just about as bad as the students are waiting for summer to come and then being upset when i don't seem to have much of a break. We are still debating on whether to take a vacation this summer or save the cash. ughhhhhhhhh!

Tomorrow is the big fishing derby and we hope to take Addi and maybe actually catch a fish this year. So far the past two years we have managed to catch a leaf and a small stick LOL. But we now have a new pole and bait and it is a new day.

For those who have not heard i also graduated this May with my two year and i am currently enrolling into SAU's teaching program so cross your fingers. I received my complete scores from the Praxis today and YAY YAY YAY i did pass all three sections. Wooohooooo! such relief and one less mountain to cross.

This pretty much sums up the last couple of weeks here minus some things i am sure.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Well i received one shipment and i have to say that i am very pleased. I ordered Addi a dress and it is so pretty. She loves the color red and i found the cutest dress with the perfect touch of red. Now i am waiting for Davids things for his party to arrive. Hurry up and wait i suppose.

I am looking forward to the sunny weather and can't wait to plant flowers in my flower beds. I would love to plant the garden but our tiller broke and whose to say when it will be fixed. I hope it is fixed soon because we did not have much of a garden last year and i need vegetables in my freezer, i am tired of buying stuff.

Monday, March 1, 2010

awaiting the shipments

Well i am trying to be patient in awaiting my shipments for the kids. I have a beautiful new dress coming for Addi and cannot wait to see it. Hopefully it will be wonderful and i can order some more from Girlie Bows. Also i am wanting to get Davids birthday party supplies in. I hope that it all looks great, once i get it in i can finish buying the rest of the decorations for his party. We are having a monkey party for his 1st birthday and partys in bloom are making some of his decorations which look awesome on-line.